Great birthday treats

My son recently celebrated his birthday. He handed out these lovely creatures for some festive fun. We just combined these googly eyes from Flying tiger and simple carrots. This made for a healthy snack and a fun simple trinket for the kids to take home.


Last time I made these beautiful cars, but my son really enjoyed being able to join in this year. This made all it feel extra special for a toddler in the “I wanna be independent” fase!


In Holland we are spoiled for choice. We have flower shops full of beautiful and affordable flowers. Still, I think your own picked bouquet is a more personal gift.


This bouquet contained daisies, chive flowers, snapdragons and some plants I couldn’t name if I tried. There are some important attention points when you pick flowers:

  • Ask permission first, or pick from your own garden
  • Make sure you wipe of any bugs or little creatures
  • Cut the flowers at an angle
  • Cut flowers before their prime, so they open in the vase
  • Take the leaves off the part of the stem that will be submerged in water
  • Keep the stems moist
  • Use greens to bulk up your bouquet
  • Contrasts make wild flower bouquets beautiful, look for different textures, colors, smells and use different lengths.

Don’t forget to enjoy the process, I know I did!

Happy Birthday me! My inspiration countdown

It’s official! I have made it to 34 and I feel balanced and strong thanks to the people around me and stories that inspire me. In honor of my own birthday I would like to share with you my personal top 5 most inspiring characters.

5. Pooh and friends – Children and their stories will always inspire me. The simplicity in which they approach life should inspire every grownup. Pooh loves and lives whole heartily. Whenever I join my son in watching Pooh movies I find myself smiling, sighing and shedding the occasional tear, so simple and so beautiful!

“Some people care too much. I think it’s called love.”
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

What I learned from Pooh? Be in the moment and don’t worry to much.

4. Amélie – If you haven’t seen this movie, I recommend you watch it soon! In this French movie you see the modern fairy tail of the shy Amélie. I myself used to be shy as a kid. Sitting quietly in the corner I would observe and enjoy the world. This is why I always root for the shy ones.

“I like to look for things no one else catches. I hate the way drivers never watch the road in old American movies.”

Why Amélie inspires me? She reminds me to stay curious and to look at the whole world in wonder.

3. Nigella Lawson – This kitchen goddess showed me the beauty and simplicity of cooking and being a housewife. As an educated women I was always puzzled how to play all these rolls in my life: wife, friend, colleague, mother, daughter, sister…. As a perfectionist I want to be the perfect wife, friend….and in the mean time I wanted cozy family meals with home cooked food.

“I think cooking should be about fun and family. I’m not a trained chef. I don’t pretend to be and I think part of my appeal is that my approach to cooking is really relaxed and not rigid. There are no rules in my kitchen.”
Nigella Lawson

Nigella showed me that by simplifying, and with some shortcuts, you can cook a great meal, be a good hostess, and most of all, that in the mean time you need to enjoy all of these activities!

2. Parker Schnabel – In the reality show Gold Rush on Discovery channel you follow modern day gold miners on their quest to find gold. My favorite mining team is run by Parker Schnabel. He grew up helping his grandfather in the summers in his mine. From the age 16 he runs his own mining operations. For me it is awe inspiring how he just does all these complicated things, regardless of his age.

“The biggest thing I learned this summer was how to just go for it, not worry about the consequences of what could go wrong, just striking out and going for something, whether it has to do with going up to the Klondike or dealing with people.”

What I learned from Parker is that you should let no one tell you what you can or can’t accomplish, the sky is the limit!

1. Mothers – I have recently concluded that every women becomes a superhero when she becomes responsible for her own child. The things we endure, complicated medical procedures, giving birth, letting go when they go to school….the list never ends…it’s a job for life. I see it around me every day, women that excel at loving in their own unique way. Every mother inspires me. We should keep inspiring and encouraging each other, and not be afraid to admit where we could learn.

“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”
Abraham Lincoln

My mother showed me how you can overcome anything, if you keep loving.

My grandmother showed me the value of saying grace.

My colleague, also a mother, showed me how you can sell, buy, re-model your house and take care of your toddler in a few months!

My college friend, also a mother, showed me that you can bond and love your tiny newborn despite all stress and separation.

The list if inspiring mothers keeps growing. Thank you mothers for inspiring me!